Model metrics#

class sails.mvar_metrics.FourierMvarMetrics[source]#

This class for computing various connectivity metrics based on the Fourier transform of the MVAR co-efficients.

This is typically called using the initialise() classmethod to compute the frequency transform and return a class instance with methods for computing different connectivity estimators

classmethod initialise(model, sample_rate, freq_vect, nmodes=None)[source]#

Compute some basic values from the Fourier transform of the A matrix. This is a class method which creates and returns a FourierMvarMetrics instance with methods computing various connectivity metrics.

This class computes the transfer function H the Fourier transform.

  • model (sails LinearModel) – SAILS class instance containing a fitted linear model.

  • sample_rate (float) – Sample rate of the dataset

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of specifying which frequencies to compute connectivity at.

Return type:

sails.FourierMvarMetrics instance

class sails.mvar_metrics.ModalMvarMetrics[source]#

This class for computing various connectivity metrics based on a Modal decomposition of a fitted MVAR model

This is typically called using the initialise() or initialise_from_modes() classmethods to compute the decomposition and return a class instance containing them.

classmethod initialise(model, sample_rate, freq_vect, sum_modes=True)[source]#

Compute some basic values from the pole-residue decomposition of the A matrix. This is a class method which creates and returns a ModalMvarMetrics instance containing the decomposition parameters with methods computing various connectivity metrics.

This class computes the transfer function H using modal parameters.

Currently only implemented for a single realisation (A.ndim == 3)

  • model (sails LinearModel) – SAILS class instance containing a fitted linear model.

  • sample_rate (float) – Sample rate of the dataset

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of specifying which frequencies to compute connectivity at.

  • sum_modes (bool) – Flag indicating whether to sum across modes (Default value = True)

Return type:

sails.ModalMvarMetrics instance

classmethod initialise_from_modes(model, modes, sample_rate, freq_vect, mode_inds=None, sum_modes=True)[source]#

Compute some basic values from the pole-residue decomposition of the A matrix. This is a class method which creates and returns a sails.ModalMvarMetrics instance containing the decomposition parameters with methods computing various connectivity metrics.

This class computes the transfer function H using modal parameters. A sub-set of modes can be used to compute a reduced H.

Currently only implemented for a single realisation (A.ndim == 3)

  • model (sails LinearModel) – SAILS class instance containing a fitted linear model.

  • modes (sails MvarModalDecomposition) – SAILS class instance containing a fitted modal decomposition

  • sample_rate (float) – The sample rate of the fitted data

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of specifying which frequencies to compute connectivity at.

  • mode_inds (ndarray) – Which modes to use when constructing H (Default value = None)

  • sum_modes (Boolean) – Flag indicating whether to sum across modes when constructing H (Default value = True)

Return type:

sails.ModalMvarMetrics instance

sails.mvar_metrics.modal_transfer_function(evals, evecl, evecr, nchannels, sample_rate=None, freq_vect=None)[source]#

Compute the transfer function in pole-residue form, splitting the system into modes with separate transfer functions. The full system transfer function is then a linear sum of each modal transfer function.

  • evals (ndarray) – Complex valued eigenvalues from an eigenvalue decomposition of an MVAR parameter matrix.

  • evecl (ndarray) – Complex valued left-eigenvectorsfrom an eigenvalue decomposition of an MVAR parameter matrix.

  • evecr (ndarry) – Complex valued right-eigenvectorsfrom an eigenvalue decomposition of an MVAR parameter matrix.

  • nchannels (int) – Number of channels in the decomposed system

  • sample_rate (float) – The sampling rate of the decomposed system (Default value = None)

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the transfer function (Default value = None)


Modal transfer-function (H) of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies x nmodes]

Return type:


Metric Mathemetical Functions#

sails.mvar_metrics.sdf_spectrum(A, sigma, sample_rate, freq_vect)[source]#

Estimate of the Spectral Density as found on wikipedia and [Quirk1983].

This assumes that the spectral representation of A is invertable

  • A (ndarray) – Matrix of autoregressive parameters, of size [nchannels x nchannels x model order]

  • sigma (ndarray) – Residual covariance matrix of the modelled system

  • sample_rate (float) – The samplingfrequency of the modelled system

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the spectrum


Frequenecy transform of input A, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies]

Return type:


sails.mvar_metrics.psd_spectrum(A, sigma, sample_rate, freq_vect)[source]#

Estimate the PSD representation of a set of MVAR coefficients as stated in [Penny2009] section 7.4.4.

This assumes that the spectral representation of A is invertable

WARNING: does not behave as expected for some data, use with caution. ar_spectrum is recommended.

  • A (ndarray) – Matrix of autoregressive parameters, of size [nchannels x nchannels x model order]

  • sigma (ndarray) – Residual covariance matrix of the modelled system

  • sample_rate (float) – The samplingfrequency of the modelled system

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the spectrum


Frequenecy transform of input A, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies]

Return type:


sails.mvar_metrics.ar_spectrum(A, sigma, sample_rate, freq_vect)[source]#

Estimate the spectral representation of a set of MVAR coefficients as suggested by [Baccala2001], the equation without a number just below equation 13.

  • A (ndarray) – Matrix of autoregressive parameters, of size [nchannels x nchannels x model order]

  • sigma (ndarray) – Residual covariance matrix of the modelled system

  • sample_rate (float) – The samplingfrequency of the modelled system

  • freq_vect (ndarray) – Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the spectrum


Frequenecy transform of input A, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies]

Return type:



Function for computing the transfer function of a system from the frequency transform of the autoregressive parameters.


Af – Frequency domain version of parameters (can be calculated using ar_spectrum function) [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]


System transfer function, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

Return type:



This function computes this the transfer function \(H\) as defined by:

\[H(f) = ( I - Af(f) )^{-1}\]

where \(Af\) is the frequency transformed autoregessive parameter matrix and \(I\) is identity.

sails.mvar_metrics.spectral_matrix(H, noise_cov)[source]#

Function for computing the spectral matrix, the matrix of spectra and cross-spectra.

  • H (ndarray) – The transfer matrix [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

  • noise_cov (ndarray) – The noise covariance matrix of the system [nchannels x nchannels x nepochs]


System spectral matrix, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

Return type:



This function computes the system spectral matrix as defined by:

\[S(f) = H(f)\Sigma H(f)^H\]

where \(H\) is the transfer function, \(\Sigma\) is the residual covariance and \(^H\) the Hermitian transpose.


Method for computing the Coherency. This is the complex form of coherence, from which metrics such as magnitude squared coherence can be derived


S (ndarray) – The system spectral matrix in 3D or 4D form, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]


Complex-valued coherency matrix, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

Return type:



This function computes the coherency as defined by:

\[Coh_{ij}(f) = \frac{S_{ij}(f)}{ \sqrt{ | S_{ii}(f)S_{jj}(f) | } }\]

where \(S\) is the system spectral matrix.


Method for computing the Partial Coherence.


inv_S (ndarray) – The system spectral matrix in 3D or 4D form, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]


Complex-valued coherency matrix, of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

Return type:



This function computes the partial coherence using the inverse spectral matrix \(P = S^{-1}\) where \(S\) is the system spectral matrix. The partial coherence is then computed as:

\[PCoh_{ij}(f) = \frac{ |P_{ij}(f)|^2 }{ \sqrt{ | P_{ii}(f)P_{jj}(f) | } }\]

Function to estimate the partial directed coherence from a set of multivariate parameters as defined in [Baccala2001].


Af (ndarray) – Frequency domain version of parameters (can be calculated using ar_spectrum function), of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies x nrealisations]


The partial directed coherence of the system.

Return type:



This function computes the partial coherence using the frequency transform of the autoregressive parameters \(Af\) subtracted from Identity.

\[\bar{Af}(f) = I - Af(f)\]

The partial directed coherence is then

\[PDC_{ij}(f) = \frac{ | \bar{Af}_{ij}(f)| }{ \sqrt{ \sum_i | \bar{Af}_{ij}(f) |^2 } }\]
sails.mvar_metrics.isolated_effective_coherence(Af, noise_cov)[source]#

Function for estimating the Isolated Effective Coherence as defined in [Pascual-Marqui2014].

  • Af (ndarray) – Frequency domain version of parameters (can be calculated using ar_spectrum function) [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

  • noise_cov (ndarray) – The noise covariance matrix of the system [nchannels x nchannels x nepochs]


The isolated effective coherence.

Return type:



Method for computing the Directed Transfer Function as defined in [Kaminski1991].


H (ndarray) – The transfer matrix [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]


The directed transfer function of the system.

Return type:



This function computes the directed transfer function from the system transfer function \(H\).

\[DTF_{ij}(f) = \frac{ | H_{ij}(f) |^2 }{ \sqrt{ \sum_j | \bar{H}_{ij}(f) |^2 } }\]
sails.mvar_metrics.geweke_granger_causality(S, H, sigma)[source]#

This function computes the Geweke-Granger causality as defined in [Barrett2010]

  • S (ndarray) – Spectral matrix [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

  • H (ndarray) – The transfer matrix [nchannels x nchannels x nfreqs x nepochs]

  • sigma (ndarray) – Residual noise covariance matrix


The Geweke-Granger causality

Return type:
