Source code for sails.stats


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import numpy as np

from numpy.linalg import inv, norm, eig

from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

__all__ = []

[docs] def find_cov_multitrial(a, b, ddof=1): """Estimate the average covariance between two datasets across many trials Parameters ---------- a : ndarray a multivariate time series of shape nsignals x nsamples x ntrials b : ndarray a multivariate time series of shape nsignals x nsamples x ntrials ddof : int if None, no normalisation will be performed. If an integer, covariance will be normalised by (nsamples - ddof) (Default value = 1) Returns ------- type A covariance matrix between a and b of shape nsignals x nsignals """ if a.dtype is not b.dtype: raise TypeError('Data types of input a ({0}) and b ({1}) not matched') nsignals = a.shape[0] nsamples = a.shape[1] ntrials = a.shape[2] # Make sure datasets are demeaned before calculating covariance a = a - a.mean(axis=1)[slice(None), np.newaxis] b = b - b.mean(axis=1)[slice(None), np.newaxis] cov = np.zeros((nsignals, nsignals, ntrials), dtype=a.dtype) for i in range(ntrials): b_h = b[:, :, i].T.conj() cov[:, :, i] = a[:, :, i].dot(b_h) if ddof is not None: return cov.mean(axis=2) / (nsamples - ddof) else: return cov.mean(axis=2)
[docs] def find_cov(a, b, ddof=1): """Estimate the covariance between two datasets. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray a multivariate time series of shape nsignals x nsamples b : ndarray a multivariate time series of shape nsignals x nsamples ddof : int if None, no normalisation will be performed. If an integer, covariance will be normalised by (nsamples - ddof) (Default value = 1) Returns ------- type A covariance matrix between a and b of shape nsignals x nsignals """ if a.dtype is not b.dtype: raise TypeError('Data types of input a ({0}) and b ({1}) not matched') nsamples = float(a.shape[1]) # Make sure datasets are demeaned before calculating covariance a = a - a.mean(axis=1)[slice(None), np.newaxis] b = b - b.mean(axis=1)[slice(None), np.newaxis] b_h = b.T.conj() cov = a.astype(a.dtype).dot(b_h) if ddof is not None: return cov / (nsamples - ddof) else: return cov
[docs] def mutual_information(A, B, r=None, nbins=21, base=np.log2): """Calculate the mutual information between two signals. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray First signal, of shape [channels x samples] B : ndarray Second signal, of shape [channels x samples] r : tuple (min,max) Range of the random variables used for bin calculations. If not set, takes the minimum and maximum values from the combination of A and B (Default value = None) nbins : int Number of bins to compute the frequencies within (Default value = 21) base : function Base to use for MI calculation - defaults to np.log2 Returns ------- type the mutual information within each signal passed """ if A.ndim != 2 or B.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Require 2D arrays for A and B") nsignals = A.shape[0] if r is None: r = (min(A.min(), B.min()), max(A.max(), B.max())) MI = np.zeros((nsignals,)) for s in range(nsignals): PA = np.histogram(A[s, :], range=r, bins=nbins)[0].astype(np.float64) PB = np.histogram(B[s, :], range=r, bins=nbins)[0].astype(np.float64) PAB = np.histogram2d(A[s, :], B[s, :], range=(r, r), bins=nbins)[0].astype(np.float64) # Outer product Pmarg =, np.atleast_2d(PB)) # Scale the PAB and Pmarg matrices PAB /= PAB.sum() Pmarg /= Pmarg.sum() # Handle 0s properly idx_x, idx_y = np.nonzero(PAB / Pmarg) tmp = base(PAB[idx_x, idx_y] / Pmarg[idx_x, idx_y]) MI[s] = np.sum(PAB[idx_x, idx_y] * tmp) return MI
[docs] def durbin_watson(residuals, step=1): """Test for autocorrelation in the residuals of a model (see [Durbin1950]_ and [Durbin1951]_) The result is a value between 0 and 4. A value of 0 indicates a positive autocorrelaiton, 2 indicates no correlation and a value of 4 indicates a negative autocorrelation. If many trials are found the statistic is estimated for each trial separately. Parameters ---------- residuals : ndarray Residuals of shape [channels, samples, ntrials] If only two dimensions, will be treated as [channels, samples] If only one dimension, will be treated as [samples] step : int step-size to use through residuals when calculating DW. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- type durbin-watson index """ if residuals.ndim == 1: residuals = residuals[np.newaxis, slice(None), np.newaxis] elif residuals.ndim == 2: residuals = residuals[..., np.newaxis] elif residuals.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("residuals must be 1, 2 or 3D") # Calculation needs to be performed in the complex domain residuals = residuals.astype(complex) d_resid = residuals[:, :-step, :] - residuals[:, step:, :] # Combine all trials by flattening axes 0 and 1 d_resid = d_resid.reshape(d_resid.shape[0]*d_resid.shape[1], d_resid.shape[2]) residuals = residuals.reshape(residuals.shape[0]*residuals.shape[1], residuals.shape[2]) num = den = ( return np.diag(num / den).astype(np.float64)
[docs] def percent_consistency(data, residuals): """Estimate how well a model retains the correlational structure of a dataset. This uses the percent consistency measure outlined in [Ding2000]_. All auto and cross correlations within a multivariate data set are computed and compared to the auto and cross correlations of the data as predicted by a model (in this case the data - model residuals, as these are easily obtained). Parameters ---------- data : ndarray An array containing the observed data, of shape [nsignals x nsamples x ntrials] residuals : ndarray An array containing the remaining variance of data after model fitting, of shape [nsignals x nsamples x ntrials] Returns ------- type A value between 0 and 100 indicating the percentage of the autocorrelation in the data that is retained in the model. """ if data.shape != residuals.shape: raise ValueError("data and residuals must be the same shape") if data.ndim == 1: data = data[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] residuals = residuals[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] elif data.ndim == 2: data = data[..., np.newaxis] residuals = residuals[..., np.newaxis] elif residuals.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("data and residuals must be 1, 2 or 3D") resid = residuals # Preallocate arrays for the correlations # Real R_r = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[0], data.shape[2], data.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex) # Prediction R_p = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[0], data.shape[2], data.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex) # Compute auto and cross correlations for i in range(data.shape[0]): # node for j in range(data.shape[0]): # node for t in range(data.shape[2]): # epoch # array flipped convolution which is faster for large arrays. # This is an fft based method for computing the cross # correlation R_r[i, j, t, :] = fftconvolve(data[i, :, t], data[j, ::-1, t], mode='same') R_p[i, j, t, :] = fftconvolve(data[i, :, t]-resid[i, :, t], data[j, ::-1, t]-resid[j, :, t], mode='same') # Reshape into a vector R_r = R_r.reshape(-1) R_p = R_p.reshape(-1) # Calculate and return PC as defined in Ding et al 2000 - eq 12 num = norm(R_p - R_r) denom = norm(R_r) percent_consistency = (1 - (num / denom)) * 100 return np.float64(percent_consistency)
[docs] def rsquared_from_residuals(data, residuals, per_signal=False): """Estimate the variance explained by a model from the original data and the model residuals If data and residuals are 2D, they will be treated as [channels, nsamples] If data and residuals are 1D, they will be treated as [nsamples] Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Array containing the original data, of shape [channels, nsamples, ntrials] residuals : ndarray Array containing the model residuals, of shape [channels, nsamples, ntrials] per_signal : bool Boolean indicating whether the variance explained should be computed separately per channel (Default value = False) Returns ------- type Value between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of variance explained by the model. """ if data.shape != residuals.shape: raise ValueError("data and residuals must be the same shape") if data.ndim == 1: data = data[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] residuals = residuals[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] elif data.ndim == 2: data = data[..., np.newaxis] residuals = residuals[..., np.newaxis] elif residuals.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("data and residuals must be 1, 2 or 3D") if per_signal: dat = (data**2.0).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) res = (residuals**2.0).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) else: dat = (data**2.0).sum() res = (residuals**2.0).sum() return np.float64(1 - (res.real / dat.real))
[docs] def mahalanobis(X, Y=None, sigma=None): """Estimate the Mahalanobis distance of each point in an array across the samples dimension. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Array containing data of points: shape [channels x samples] Y : ndarray (Optional) Optional Array containing data of second points: shape [channels x samples]. If not provided, the origin will be used as the point for comparison. (Default value = None) sigma : ndarray (Optional) A precomputed covariance matrix to use in the calculation, of shape [channels x channels]. If not provided, sigma will be calculated from X (Default value = None) Returns ------- type The Mahalanobis distance for each sample, of shape [samples] """ if Y is not None: if Y.shape != X.shape: raise ValueError("If Y is provided, must be the same shape as X") # Offset the points X = X - Y # Calculate our covariance matrix if necessary if sigma is None: sigma = np.cov(X) sigma_i = inv(sigma) return np.diag(
[docs] def profile_likelihood(X): """Find the 'elbow' point in a curve. This function uses the automatic dimensionality selection method from [Zhu2006]_ to estimate the elbow or inflection point in a given curve. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray 1d array containing the curve to be analysed, of shape [samples] Returns ------- type The log likelihood that each point on the curve separates the distributions to the left and right, of shape [samples] """ # Handle 2D arrays with a singleton second dimension X = X.squeeze() if X.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Only 1D matrices supported by profile_likelihood") llh = np.zeros_like(X) for i in range(2, X.shape[0]-1): left = X[0: i] right = X[i:-1] # Common scale parameter csp = ((i-1)*left.var() + (len(X)-i-1)*right.var()) / (len(X)-2.) left_power = (left - left.mean())**2 / 2*csp left_side = np.sum(1.0 / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*csp) * np.exp(-left_power)) right_power = (right - right.mean())**2 / 2*csp right_side = np.sum(1.0 / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*csp) * np.exp(-right_power)) llh[i] = left_side + right_side return llh
[docs] def stability_index(A): """Compute the stability index as defined in [Lutkephol2006]_ pages 15-16. This is a proxy for the stationarity assumption of MVAR models, if the magnitude of the largest principal component of the model parameters is less than 1, the model is stable and thus, stationary. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray The MVAR parameter matrix of size [nchannels x nchannels x model_order] Returns ------- type The stability index """ nsignals = A.shape[0] order = A.shape[2] # Form companion matrix companion = np.eye(nsignals*(order-1), k=nsignals).T companion[:nsignals, :] = A[:, :, 1:].reshape((nsignals, nsignals*(order-1)), order='F') # Find eigenvalues evals, evecs = eig(companion) # Find the largest magnitude stability_index = np.abs(evals).max() return np.float64(stability_index)
[docs] def stability_ratio(A): """Compute the stability ratio as a measure of stationarity A stronger test for stationarity than the stability index. Computes the ratio between the largest eigenvalue of the parameters and all the others. If the largest parameter is larger than all other parameters (indicated by a value < 1) we have a super-stable system. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray The MVAR parameter matrix of size [nchannels x nchannels x model_order] Returns ------- type The stability ratio """ nsignals = A.shape[0] order = A.shape[2] # Form companion matrix companion = np.eye(nsignals*(order-1), k=nsignals).T companion[:nsignals, :] = A[:, :, 1:].reshape((nsignals, nsignals*(order-1)), order='F') # Find eigenvalues evals, evecs = eig(companion) # Take the magnitude evals = np.abs(evals) # Get the smaller eigen values evals_smaller = evals[np.where(evals != evals.max())] # Express the ratio stability_ratio = evals.max() / np.sum(evals_smaller) return np.float64(stability_ratio)