Source code for sails.diags


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import numpy as np

from .anam import AbstractAnam, register_class
from .utils import get_valid_samples
from .stats import find_cov_multitrial, durbin_watson, \
    stability_index, stability_ratio, \
    rsquared_from_residuals, percent_consistency

from .modelvalidation import approx_model_selection_criteria

__all__ = []

[docs] class DelayDiagnostics(AbstractAnam): """Class which computes the mutual information as a function of lag from zero lag to the first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function. """ # This is only used within Anamnesis hdf5_outputs = ['MI', 'MI_diff', 'delay_vect_samples', 'delay_vect_ms', 'time_vect', 'autocorrelation', 'maxdelay', 'first_zero'] def __init__(self): AbstractAnam.__init__(self) # TODO: Add docstrings for these self.MI = None self.MI_diff = None self.delay_vect_samples = None self.delay_vect_ms = None self.time_vect = None self.autocorrelation = None self.maxdelay = None self.first_zero = None
__all__.append('DelayDiagnostics') register_class(DelayDiagnostics)
[docs] class ModelDiagnostics(AbstractAnam): """ Class to store and display LinearModel diagnostic information. Several diagnostic criteria are computed including: R_square (``R_square``) the percentage of variance explained in each channel Stability Index (``SI``) Indicator of the stability of the MVAR parameters (SI<1 indicates a stable model) Stability Ratio (``SR``) A stronger test of stability computed from the ratio of the largest eigenvalue of A to all others. Durbin-Watson (``DW``) A test of autocorrelation in residuals of the model fit. Values should be close to 2 indicating no autocorrelation, values close to 0 indicate a positive autocorrelation and 4 and negative autocorrelation. Log Likelihood (``LL``) The log-likelihood of the model. Akaike's Information Criterion (``AIC``) An indication of the model 'quality', lower values indicate a more accurate, less complex model. Bayesian Information Criterion (``BIC``) An indication of the model 'quality', lower values indicate a more accurate, less complex model. Percent Consistency (``PC``) Indicates how well a model captures the auto and cross correlation in a time-series. Only computed if ``compute_pc`` is passed to the relevant function. """ # This is only used within Anamnesis hdf5_outputs = ['R_square', 'SR', 'DW', 'PC', 'AIC', 'BIC', 'LL', 'SI'] def __init__(self): """Constructor for ModelDiagnostics. This fills the diagnostic variables with placeholders. The diagnostics should be computed using the ModelDiagnostics.compute classmethod. """ AbstractAnam.__init__(self) self.R_square = None self.SR = None self.DW = None self.PC = None self.AIC = None self.BIC = None self.LL = None self.SI = None self.is_list = False
[docs] @classmethod def compute(cls, model, data, compute_pc=False): """ Classmethod for computing a set of model diagnostics from a fitted model applied to a time-series dataset. Parameters ---------- model: sails LinearModel class A fitted linear model data: ndarray A 3d time-series of size [nchannels x nsamples x ntrials] compute_pc: bool Flag indicating whether to compute the percent consistency, this can be time-consuming for large datasets (Default=False). Returns ------- sails ModelDiagnostics instance """ ret = cls() # Get residuals - adjust valid samples next resid = model.get_residuals(data, mode='full') # Adjust data and resids for valid samples data = get_valid_samples(data, model.delay_vect) resid = get_valid_samples(resid, model.delay_vect) # Get covariance of the residuals ret.resid_cov = find_cov_multitrial(resid, resid) # Compute Durbin-Watson test for residual autocorrelation ret.DW = durbin_watson(resid, step=np.diff(model.delay_vect)[0])[0] # Compute the stability index and ratio ret.SI = stability_index(model.parameters) ret.SR = stability_ratio(model.parameters) # Estimate the R^2 - per signal ret.R_square = rsquared_from_residuals(data, resid, per_signal=True) # Estimate Percent Consistency - Ding et al 2000. if compute_pc: # This can cause memory issues with large datasets ret.PC = percent_consistency(data, resid) else: ret.PC = None # Compute LL, AIC and BIC # LL, AIC, BIC = est_model_selection_criteria(model.parameters, resid) # Approximate AIC and BIC LL, AIC, BIC = approx_model_selection_criteria(model.parameters, resid) ret.LL = LL ret.AIC = AIC ret.BIC = BIC return ret
[docs] @classmethod def combine_diag_list(cls, diags): """ Helper function for combining diagnostics from a list of ModelDiagnostics instances for easy comparison and visualisation. Parameters ---------- diags: list of ModelDiagnostics instances The ModelDiagnostics to concatenate Returns ------- sails ModelDiagnostics instance """ ret = cls() ret.resid_cov = np.concatenate([d.resid_cov[..., None] for d in diags], axis=2) ret.DW = np.r_[[d.DW for d in diags]] ret.SI = np.r_[[d.SI for d in diags]] ret.SR = np.r_[[d.SR for d in diags]] if diags[0].PC is not None: ret.PC = np.r_[[d.PC for d in diags]] ret.R_square = np.c_[[d.R_square for d in diags]] ret.LL = np.r_[[d.LL for d in diags]] ret.AIC = np.r_[[d.AIC for d in diags]] ret.BIC = np.r_[[d.BIC for d in diags]] ret.is_list = True return ret
[docs] def summary(self, all_models=True): """Print the ModelDiagnostics in a pre-formatted table""" if self.is_list: template = "{0:<10}{1:<10}{2:<10}{3:<10}{4:<10}{5:<10}{6:<10}" print(template.format('Model', 'SI', 'SR', 'DW', 'AIC', 'BIC', 'R Square')) print('_'*70) for ii in range(self.SI.shape[0]): print(template.format(ii, np.round(self.SI[ii], 3), np.round(self.SR[ii], 3), np.round(self.DW[ii], 3), np.round(self.AIC[ii], 3), np.round(self.BIC[ii], 3), np.round(self.R_square[ii, :].mean(), 3))) print('_'*70) print(template.format('Total', np.round(self.SI.mean(), 3), np.round(self.SR.mean(), 3), np.round(self.DW.mean(), 3), np.round(self.AIC.mean(), 3), np.round(self.BIC.mean(), 3), np.round(self.R_square.mean(), 3))) else: template = "{0:<10}{1:<10}{2:<10}{3:<10}{4:<10}{5:<10}" print(template.format('SI', 'SR', 'DW', 'AIC', 'BIC', 'R Square')) print('_'*60) print(template.format(np.round(self.SI, 3), np.round(self.SR, 3), np.round(self.DW, 3), np.round(self.AIC, 3), np.round(self.BIC, 3), np.round(self.R_square.mean(), 3)))
__all__.append('ModelDiagnostics') register_class(ModelDiagnostics)