Source code for sails.stft


# vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4:

Functions for computing power spectra based on windowed Fast Fourier Transforms.

The module contains four types of function.

* worker functions which perform detailed computation - these functions do not
necessarily have globally sensible or adaptive defaults and some additional
processing may be required to get a full spectrum from them. For example,
windows and scaling factors may need to be precomputed.
* config function which set, check and provide parameter values
* helper functions isolate code from worker and config functions and are typically _private
* user functions which provide a top-level interface to the module

The user functions are intended for day to day use, though the worker functions
can be called directly if needed.

User functions:

Config classes:

Worker functions:


import logging
import typing
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
from scipy import fft as sp_fft
from scipy import stats, signal
from import dpss

    from scipy.signal.spectral import _triage_segments
except ImportError:
    # scipy.signal was refactored in v1.8.0
    from scipy.signal._spectral_py import _triage_segments

# Will configure a proper logger later

# Decorator for setting and reverting logging level. Top level functions should
# specify verbose but within internal operations we ALWAYS set verbose=None to
# preserve current level. Only top-level user called function should have a
# specification.
def set_verbose(func):
    """Add option to change logging level for single function calls."""
    # This is the actual decorator
    def inner_verbose(*args, **kwargs):

        # Change level if requested
        if ('verbose' in kwargs) and (kwargs['verbose'] is not None):
            if kwargs['verbose'].upper() in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL']:
                logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, kwargs['verbose']))

                if kwargs['verbose'] == 'DEBUG':
                    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-s - %(levelname)-8s %(funcName)30s : %(message)s')
                    formatter.datefmt = '%H:%M:%S'
                    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(funcName)30s - %(message)s')
                raise ValueError("Logger level '{}' not recognised".format(kwargs['verbose']))

        # Call function itself
        func_output = func(*args, **kwargs)

        # If we changed anything, change it back - otherwise preserve current level
        if ('verbose' in kwargs) and (kwargs['verbose'] is not None):

        return func_output
    return inner_verbose

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Worker Functions
# These functions are stand-alone data processors which are usable on their own
# Inputs are not sanity checked and documentation may point elsewhere but these
# are fast and flexible for expert users.
# Most users will likely interact with these via the high level and config functions.

def apply_sliding_window(x, nperseg=256, nstep=128, window=None,
                         detrend_func=None, padded=False, verbose=None):
    """Apply a delay-embedding to the last axis of an array.

    Create a windowed versions of a dataset with options for specifying
    padding, detrending and windowing operations.

    x : ndarray
        Array of data

        Data array with delay embedding applied

    Strongly inspired by scipy.signal.spectral._fft_helper with the FFT
    computation separate out.

    # pad to make the vector length an integer number of windows
    msg = 'Applying sliding windows of nperseg : {0} nstep : {1}', nstep))

    if padded:
        nadd = (-(x.shape[-1]-nperseg) % nstep) % nperseg
        zeros_shape = list(x.shape[:-1]) + [nadd]
        y = np.concatenate((x, np.zeros(zeros_shape)), axis=-1)
        y = x

    # Strided array
    noverlap = nperseg-nstep
    step = nperseg - noverlap
    shape = y.shape[:-1]+((y.shape[-1]-noverlap)//step, nperseg)
    strides = y.strides[:-1]+(step*y.strides[-1], y.strides[-1])
    y_window = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(y, shape=shape, strides=strides)'Created {0} windows of length {1}'.format(y_window.shape[-2], y_window.shape[-1]))
    logging.debug('windowed data shape : {0}'.format(y_window.shape))

    if detrend_func is not None:
        logging.debug('applying detrending {0} '.format(detrend_func))
        y_window = detrend_func(y_window)

    if window is not None:
        # Apply windowing
        logging.debug('applying windowing {0} '.format(window.sum()))
        y_window = window * y_window

    msg = 'output shape : {0}'

    return y_window

def compute_fft(x, nfft=256, axis=-1,
                side='onesided', mode='psd', scale=1.0,
                fs=1.0, fmin=-0.5, fmax=0.5, verbose=None):
    """Compute, trim and post-process an FFT on last dimension of input array.

    x : ndarray
        Array of data

    f : ndarray
        Array of sample frequencies.
    spec : ndarray
        FFT spectrum of x.

    # Compute FFT
    if side == 'twosided':
        func = sp_fft.fft
        x = x.real
        func = sp_fft.rfft'Computing {0}-point {1} FFT with {2}'.format(nfft, side, func))
    result = func(x, nfft)
    logging.debug('fft output shape {0}'.format(result.shape))

    # Apply spectrum mode selection
    result = _proc_spectrum_mode(result, mode, axis=axis)

    # Apply scaling
    result = _proc_spectrum_scaling(result, scale, side, mode, nfft)

    # Get frequency values
    freqvals = _set_freqvalues(nfft, fs, side)
    # Trim frequency range to specified limits
    freqs, result = _proc_trim_freq_range(result, freqvals, fmin, fmax)

    return freqs, result

def compute_stft(x,
                 # STFT window args
                 nperseg=256, nstep=256, window=None, detrend_func=None, padded=False,
                 # FFT core args
                 nfft=256, axis=-1, side='onesided', mode='psd', scale=1.0,
                 fs=1.0, fmin=-0.5, fmax=0.5,
                 # misc
                 output_axis='auto', verbose=None):
    """Compute a short-time Fourier transform to a dataset.

    x : ndarray
        Array of data

    freqs : ndarray
        Array of sample frequencies.
    t : ndarray
        Array of times corresponding to each data segment
    result : ndarray
        Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg.

    Initially adapted from scipy.signal.spectral._spectral_helper.

    # ---- Work start here
    if axis == -1:
        axis = x.ndim-1
    x = _proc_roll_input(x, axis=axis)

    # window inputs
    y = apply_sliding_window(x, nperseg, nstep, detrend_func=detrend_func, window=window, padded=padded)

    # Run actual FFT
    freqs, result = compute_fft(y, nfft=nfft, axis=axis, side=side, mode=mode,
                                scale=scale, fs=fs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)

    # Create time window vector
    noverlap = nperseg - nstep
    time = np.arange(nperseg/2, x.shape[-1] - nperseg/2 + 1,
                     nperseg - noverlap)/float(fs)

    # Final two axes are now [..., time x freq]
    result = _proc_unroll_output(result, axis, output_axis=output_axis)

    return freqs, time, result

def compute_multitaper_stft(x, num_tapers='auto', freq_resolution=1, time_bandwidth=5,
                            # STFT window args
                            nperseg=256, nstep=256, window=None, detrend_func=None, padded=False,
                            # FFT core args
                            nfft=256, axis=-1, side='onesided', mode='psd', scale=1.0,
                            fs=1.0, fmin=-0.5, fmax=0.5,
                            # misc
                            output_axis='auto', verbose=None):
    """Compute a multi-tapered short time fourier transform.

    x : ndarray
        Array of data

    freqs : ndarray
        Array of sample frequencies.
    t : ndarray
        Array of times corresponding to each data segment
    result : ndarray
        Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg.

    if num_tapers == 'auto':
        seconds_perseg = nperseg / fs
        time_half_bandwidth = int(seconds_perseg * freq_resolution / 2)
        num_tapers = 2 * time_half_bandwidth - 1

        msg = 'freq_resolution : {0} time_bandwidth : {1} time_half_bandwidth: {2}'
        logging.debug(msg.format(freq_resolution, time_bandwidth, time_half_bandwidth))'Using auto-computed number of tapers - {0}'.format(num_tapers))
    else:'Using user-specified number of tapers - {0}'.format(num_tapers))

    tapers, ratios = dpss(nperseg, time_bandwidth, num_tapers, return_ratios=True)
    taper_weights = np.ones((num_tapers,)) / num_tapers

    # ---- Work start here
    if axis == -1:
        axis = x.ndim-1
    x = _proc_roll_input(x, axis=axis)

    # delay embedding - don't apply normal window function... will apply tapers next
    y = apply_sliding_window(x, nperseg, nstep,
                             window=None, padded=padded)

    if apply_tapers == 'broadcast':
        # Apply tapers - via broadcasting to avoid loops
        to_shape = np.r_[np.ones((len(y.shape)-1),), num_tapers, nperseg].astype(int)
        z = y[..., np.newaxis, :] * np.broadcast_to(tapers, to_shape)
        logging.debug('tapered data shape {0}'.format(z.shape))

        # Run actual FFT
        freqs, result = compute_fft(z, nfft=nfft, axis=-1, side=side, mode=mode,
                                    scale=scale, fs=fs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
        logging.debug('tapered and fftd data shape {0}'.format(result.shape))

        # Average over tapers - could be high level option? mean or median?
        result = np.average(result, weights=taper_weights, axis=-2)

    elif apply_tapers == 'loop':
        # Apply tapers in a loop - slower but uses much less RAM
        to_shape = np.r_[np.ones((len(y.shape)-1),), nperseg].astype(int)
        for ii in range(num_tapers):
  'running taper: {0}'.format(ii))
            z = y * np.broadcast_to(tapers[ii, :], to_shape)
            # Run actual FFT
            freqs, taper_result = compute_fft(z, nfft=nfft, axis=-1, side=side, mode=mode,
                                              scale=scale, fs=fs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
            logging.debug('tapered and fftd data shape {0}'.format(taper_result.shape))

            # Run an incremental average so we don't have to store anything
            if ii == 0:
                result = taper_result
                result = result + (taper_result - result) / (ii + 1)
        msg = "'apply_tapers' option '{0}' not recognised. Use one of 'broadcast' or 'loop''"
        raise ValueError(msg.format(apply_tapers))

    # Periodogram Scaling
    result = result / fs

    # Create time window vector
    noverlap = nperseg - nstep
    time = np.arange(nperseg/2, x.shape[-1] - nperseg/2 + 1,
                     nperseg - noverlap)/float(fs)

    # Final two axes are now [..., time x freq] - return them to requested position
    result = _proc_unroll_output(result, axis, output_axis=output_axis)

    return freqs, time, result

def compute_spectral_matrix_fft(pxx):
    """Compute a spectral matrix from a periodogram.


        Cross-Spectral Density Matrix.

    # pxx should be [channels x freq] complex for now
    S = np.zeros((pxx.shape[0], pxx.shape[0], pxx.shape[1]), dtype=complex)

    for ii in range(pxx.shape[1]):
        S[:, :, ii] =[:, ii, np.newaxis], pxx[np.newaxis, :, ii].conj())

    return S

# Helpers - private functions assisting low-level processors

def _proc_roll_input(x, axis=-1):
    """Move axis to be transformed to final position.

    x : ndarray
        array of numeric data values

    x : ndarray
        A view of x with the specified axes rolled to final position

    logging.debug('Rolling input axis position {0} to end'.format(axis))
    logging.debug('Pre-rolled shape - {0}'.format(x.shape))
    if axis != -1:
        x = np.rollaxis(x, axis, len(x.shape))
    logging.debug('Post-rolled shape - {0}'.format(x.shape))
    return x

def _proc_unroll_output(result, axis, output_axis='auto'):
    """Move time and frequency dimensions to user specified position.

    result : ndarray
        array of numeric data values, typically an output from `compute_stft`

    result : ndarray
        A view of the input array with the axis rolled to specified positions.

    The `time_first` option is used to simplify the subsequent temporal
    averaging of standard periodograms and the computation of GLM-periodograms
    which require the temporal dimension in the first position.

    logging.debug('Rolling output axis {0} to position {1}'.format(axis, output_axis))
    logging.debug('Pre-rolled shape {0}'.format(result.shape))
    if output_axis == 'auto':
        # Return time and freq back to original position
        result = np.rollaxis(result, -2, axis)
        result = np.rollaxis(result, -1, axis+1)
    elif output_axis == 'time_first':
        # Put time at front and freq in original position
        result = np.rollaxis(result, -2, 0)
        result = np.rollaxis(result, -1, axis+1)

    logging.debug('Post-rolled shape {0}'.format(result.shape))
    return result

def _proc_spectrum_mode(pxx, mode, axis=-1):
    """Apply specified transformation to STFT result.


    pxx : ndarray
        Array containing the transformed power spectrum

    logging.debug('computing {0} spectrum'.format(mode))
    if mode == 'magnitude':
        pxx = np.abs(pxx)
    elif mode == 'psd':
        pxx = (np.conjugate(pxx) * pxx).real
    elif mode in ['angle', 'phase']:
        pxx = np.angle(pxx)
        if mode == 'phase':
            # pxx has one additional dimension for time strides
            if axis < 0:
                axis -= 1
            pxx = np.unwrap(pxx, axis=axis)
    elif mode == 'complex':
    return pxx

def _proc_spectrum_scaling(pxx, scale, side, mode, nfft):
    """Apply specified unit scaling to STFT output.

    Need to ignore DC and Nyquist frequencies to ensure that overall power is
    consistent with time-dimension.


    pxx : ndarray
        Scaled version of input power spectrum

    logging.debug('Applying scaling factor {0}'.format(scale))

    pxx *= scale

    # Need to handle first and last points differently in onesided and twosided modes
    if side == 'onesided' and mode == 'psd':
        if nfft % 2:
            pxx[..., 1:] *= 2
            # Last point is unpaired Nyquist freq point, don't double
            pxx[..., 1:-1] *= 2
    return pxx

def _proc_trim_freq_range(result, freqvals, fmin, fmax):
    """Trim an FFT output to desired frequency range.

    This helper function assumes that we want to trim the final axis.

    result : array_like
        Spectrum result with frequency on the final axis
    freqvals : vector
        Vector of frequency values with length matching the final axis of result

    result : array_like
        Input array with final dimension trimmed in-place
    freqs : array_like
        New frequency array matching the final axis of output

    """'Trimming freq axis to range {0} - {1}'.format(fmin, fmax))
    fidx = (freqvals >= fmin) & \
           (freqvals <= fmax)
    result = result[..., fidx]
    freqs = freqvals[fidx]
    logging.debug('fft trimmed output shape {0}'.format(result.shape))

    return freqs, result

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Config Functions
# These functions parse inputs, set defaults and return sets of configured
# options.

def _set_freqvalues(nfft, fs, side):
    """Set frequency values for FFT.


        Vector of frequency values

    if side == 'twosided':
        freqs = sp_fft.fftfreq(nfft, 1/fs)
    elif side == 'onesided':
        freqs = sp_fft.rfftfreq(nfft, 1/fs)

    return freqs

def _set_onesided(return_onesided, input_complex):
    """Set flag indicating whether FFT will be one- or two-sided.

    return_onesided : bool
        Flag indicating whether one-sided FFT is preferred
    input_complex : bool
        Flag indicating whether input array is complex

        One of 'onesided' or 'twosided'

    if return_onesided:
        if input_complex:
            sides = 'twosided'
            warnings.warn('Input data is complex, switching to return_onesided=False')
            sides = 'onesided'
        sides = 'twosided'

    return sides

def _set_nfft(nfft, nperseg):
    """Set FFT length.


        Selected length of FFT

    if nfft is None:
        nfft = nperseg
    elif nfft < nperseg:
        raise ValueError('nfft must be greater than or equal to nperseg.')
        nfft = int(nfft)
    return nfft

def _set_noverlap(noverlap, nperseg):
    """Set length over overlap between successive windows.


        Number of overlapping samples between successive windows.

    if noverlap is None:
        noverlap = nperseg//2
        noverlap = int(noverlap)
    if noverlap >= nperseg:
        raise ValueError('noverlap must be less than nperseg.')
    return noverlap

def _set_scaling(scale, fs, window):
    """Set scaling to be applied to FFT output.


        Scaling factor to apply to FFT result

    logging.debug("setting scaling '{0}' {1}".format(scale, fs))
    if scale == 'density':
        sfactor = 1.0 / (fs * (window*window).sum())
    elif scale == 'spectrum':
        sfactor = 1.0 / window.sum()**2
    elif scale is None:
        sfactor = 1.0
        raise ValueError('Unknown scale: %r' % scale)
    return sfactor

def _set_heinzel_scaling(fs, win, input_length):
    """Compute FFT scaling factors with Heinzel method. - section 9


    fs : float
        Sampling rate of the data
    win : ndarray
        Windowing function
    input_length : int
        Length of input data

    nenbw : float
        normalised effective noise bandwidth
    enbw : float
        effective noise bandwidth

    s1 = win.sum()
    s2 = (win*win).sum()

    nenbw = len(win) * (s2 / s1**2)
    enbw = fs * (s2 / s1**2)

    return nenbw, enbw

def _set_detrend(detrend, axis):
    """Set a detrending function to be applied to STFT windows prior to FFT.

    detrend : {False, str, func}
        One of either:
        * False or None - Detrend function does nothing

        * str - detrend function defined by scipy.signal.detrend with type=detrend.

        * func - specified detrend function is returned


        Detrending function

    # Handle detrending and window functions
    if not detrend:
        def detrend_func(d):
            return d
    elif not hasattr(detrend, '__call__'):
        def detrend_func(d):
            return signal.detrend(d, type=detrend, axis=-1)
    elif axis != -1:
        # Wrap this function so that it receives a shape that it could
        # reasonably expect to receive.
        def detrend_func(d):
            d = np.rollaxis(d, -1, axis)
            d = detrend(d)
            return np.rollaxis(d, axis, len(d.shape))
        detrend_func = detrend
    return detrend_func

def _set_mode(mode):
    """Set output mode for FFT result.


        If non-valid mode is specified

    modelist = ['psd', 'complex', 'magnitude', 'angle', 'phase']
    if mode not in modelist:
        raise ValueError("Invalid value ('{}') for mode, must be one of {}"
                         .format(mode, modelist))

def _set_frange(fs, fmin, fmax, side):
    """Set range of frequenecy values to be returned from FFT result.


    float, float
        fmin and fmax

    if fmin is None and side == 'onesided':
        fmin = 0
    elif fmin is None and side == 'twosided':
        fmin = -fs/2

    if fmax is None:
        fmax = fs/2

    return fmin, fmax

class STFTConfig:
    """Configuration options for a Short Time Fourier Transform.

    This sets user options and sensible defaults for an STFT to be applied to a
    specific dataset. It may not generalise to datasets of different lengths,
    sampling rates etc.


    # Data specific args
    input_len: int
    axis: int = -1
    input_complex: bool = False
    # General FFT args
    fs: float = 1.0
    window_type: str = 'hann'
    nperseg: int = None
    noverlap: int = None
    nfft: int = None
    detrend: typing.Union[typing.Callable, str] = 'constant'
    return_onesided: bool = True
    scaling: str = 'density'
    mode: str = 'psd'
    boundary: str = None  # Not currently used...
    padded = bool = False
    fmin: float = None
    fmax: float = None
    output_axis: typing.Union[int, str] = 'auto'

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Set user picks and fill rest with sensible defaults."""
        if self.window_type is None:
            # Set a rectangular boxcar of 1s as the window if None is requested
            # - keeps following code cleaner.
            self.window_type = 'boxcar'
        self.window, self.nperseg = _triage_segments(self.window_type, self.nperseg, input_length=self.input_len)
        self.nfft = _set_nfft(self.nfft, self.nperseg)
        self.noverlap = _set_noverlap(self.noverlap, self.nperseg)
        self.nstep = self.nperseg - self.noverlap
        self.nwindows = np.fix(self.input_len/self.nstep - 1).astype(int)
        self.scale = _set_scaling(self.scaling, self.fs, self.window)
        self.detrend_func = _set_detrend(self.detrend, axis=self.axis)
        self.side = _set_onesided(self.return_onesided, self.input_complex)
        self.fullfreqvals = _set_freqvalues(self.nfft, self.fs, self.side)
        self.fmin, self.fmax = _set_frange(self.fs, self.fmin, self.fmax, self.side)
        fidx = (self.fullfreqvals >= self.fmin) & (self.fullfreqvals <= self.fmax)
        self.freqvals = self.fullfreqvals[fidx]

    def stft_args(self):
        """Get keyword arguments for a call to compute_stft."""
        args = {}
        for key in ['fs', 'nperseg', 'nstep', 'nfft', 'detrend_func',
                    'side', 'scale', 'axis', 'mode', 'window',
                    'padded', 'fmin', 'fmax', 'output_axis']:
            args[key] = getattr(self, key)
        return args

    def sliding_window_args(self):
        """Get keyword arguments for a call to apply_sliding_window."""
        args = {}
        for key in ['nperseg', 'nstep', 'detrend_func', 'window', 'padded']:
            args[key] = getattr(self, key)
        return args

    def fft_args(self):
        """Get keyword arguments for a call to compute_fft."""
        args = {}
        for key in ['nfft', 'axis', 'side', 'mode', 'scale', 'fs', 'fmin', 'fmax']:
            args[key] = getattr(self, key)
        return args

class PeriodogramConfig(STFTConfig):
    """Configuration options for a Periodogram.

    This inhrits from STFTConfig and includes extra periodogram specific arguments:

    This sets user options and sensible defaults for Periodogram to be applied
    to a specific dataset. It may not generalise to datasets of different
    lengths, sampling rates etc.


    average: str = 'mean'

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Set user picks and fill rest with sensible defaults."""

class GLMPeriodogramConfig(STFTConfig):
    """Configuration options for a GLM Periodogram.

    This inhrits from STFTConfig and includes extra periodogram specific arguments:

    This sets user options and sensible defaults for Periodogram to be applied
    to a specific dataset. It may not generalise to datasets of different
    lengths, sampling rates etc.


    reg_ztrans: dict = None
    reg_unitmax: dict = None
    reg_categorical: dict = None
    contrasts: dict = None
    fit_method: str = 'pinv'
    fit_intercept: bool = True

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Set user picks and fill rest with sensible defaults."""

class MultiTaperConfig(STFTConfig):
    """Configuration options for a GLM Periodogram.

    This inhrits from STFTConfig and includes extra periodogram specific arguments:

    This sets user options and sensible defaults for Periodogram to be applied
    to a specific dataset. It may not generalise to datasets of different
    lengths, sampling rates etc.


    average: str = 'mean'
    time_bandwidth: int = 3
    num_tapers: typing.Union[str, int] = 'auto'
    freq_resolution: int = 1
    apply_tapers: str = 'broadcast'

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Set user picks and fill rest with sensible defaults."""

    def multitaper_stft_args(self):
        """Get keyword arguments for a call to compute_multitaper_stft."""
        args = {}
        for key in ['time_bandwidth', 'num_tapers', 'freq_resolution',
                    'apply_tapers', 'fs', 'nperseg', 'nstep', 'nfft',
                    'detrend_func', 'side', 'scale', 'axis', 'mode', 'padded',
                    'fmin', 'fmax', 'output_axis']:
            args[key] = getattr(self, key)
        return args

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Top-level computation functions
# These functions take input data, run the option handling and execute whatever
# computations are needed

[docs] @set_verbose def sw_periodogram(x, # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc return_config=False, verbose=None): """Compute Periodogram by averaging across windows in a STFT. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Time series of measurement values %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' return_config : bool Indicate whether parameter configuration object should be returned alongside result (Default value = False) %(verbose)s' Returns ------- freqs : ndarray Array of sample frequencies. t : ndarray Array of times corresponding to each data segment result : ndarray Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg. config : PeriodogramConfig, optional Configuration object containing all parameters used to compute spectrum, optionally returned based on value of `return_config`. """ # Config object stores options in one place and sets sensible defaults for # unspecified options given the data in-hand config = PeriodogramConfig(x.shape[axis], input_complex=np.any(np.iscomplex(x)), average=None, fs=fs, window_type=window_type, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, mode=mode, return_onesided=return_onesided, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, output_axis='auto') f, t, p = compute_stft(x, **config.stft_args) logging.debug(p.shape) if return_config: return f, t, p, config else: return f, t, p
[docs] @set_verbose def periodogram(x, average='mean', # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc return_config=False, verbose=None): """Compute Periodogram by averaging across windows in a STFT. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Time series of measurement values average : { 'mean', 'median', 'median_bias' }, optional Method to use when averaging periodograms. Defaults to 'mean'. %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' return_config : bool Indicate whether parameter configuration object should be returned alongside result (Default value = False) %(verbose)s' Returns ------- freqs : ndarray Array of sample frequencies. t : ndarray Array of times corresponding to each data segment result : ndarray Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg. config : PeriodogramConfig, optional Configuration object containing all parameters used to compute spectrum, optionally returned based on value of `return_config`. """ # Config object stores options in one place and sets sensible defaults for # unspecified options given the data in-hand'Setting config options') config = PeriodogramConfig(x.shape[axis], input_complex=np.any(np.iscomplex(x)), average=average, fs=fs, window_type=window_type, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, mode=mode, return_onesided=return_onesided, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, output_axis='time_first')'Starting computation') f, t, p = compute_stft(x, **config.stft_args)'Averaging across first dim of result using method {0}'.format(config.average)) if config.average == 'mean': p = np.nanmean(p, axis=0) elif config.average == 'median': p = np.nanmedian(p, axis=0) elif config.average == 'median_bias': bias = signal._spectral_py._median_bias(p.shape[0]) p = np.nanmedian(p, axis=0) / bias else: msg = "'average' value of '{0}' not recognised - please use 'mean' or 'median'" raise ValueError(msg.format(config.average))'Returning spectrum of shape {0}'.format(p.shape)) if return_config: return f, p, config else: return f, p
[docs] @set_verbose def sw_multitaper(x, # Multitaper core num_tapers='auto', freq_resolution=1, time_bandwidth=5, apply_tapers='broadcast', # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc return_config=False, verbose=None): """Compute a multi-tapered power spectrum across windows in a STFT. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Time series of measurement values %(multitaper_core)s' %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' return_config : bool Indicate whether parameter configuration object should be returned alongside result (Default value = False) %(verbose)s' Returns ------- freqs : ndarray Array of sample frequencies. t : ndarray Array of times corresponding to each data segment result : ndarray Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg. config : MultiTaperConfig, optional Configuration object containing all parameters used to compute spectrum, optionally returned based on value of `return_config`. """ # Config object stores options in one place and sets sensible defaults for # unspecified options given the data in-hand config = MultiTaperConfig(x.shape[axis], input_complex=np.any(np.iscomplex(x)), time_bandwidth=time_bandwidth, num_tapers=num_tapers, apply_tapers=apply_tapers, freq_resolution=freq_resolution, average=None, fs=fs, window_type=None, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=return_onesided, mode=mode, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, output_axis='auto') f, t, p = compute_multitaper_stft(x, **config.multitaper_stft_args) if return_config: return f, t, p, config else: return f, t, p
[docs] @set_verbose def multitaper(x, average='mean', # Multitaper core num_tapers='auto', freq_resolution=1, time_bandwidth=5, apply_tapers='broadcast', # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc return_config=False, verbose=None): """Compute a multi-tapered power spectrum averaged across windows in a STFT. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Time series of measurement values average : { 'mean', 'median', 'median_bias' }, optional Method to use when averaging periodograms. Defaults to 'mean'. %(multitaper_core)s' %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' return_config : bool Indicate whether parameter configuration object should be returned alongside result (Default value = False) %(verbose)s' Returns ------- freqs : ndarray Array of sample frequencies. t : ndarray Array of times corresponding to each data segment result : ndarray Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg. config : MultiTaperConfig, optional Configuration object containing all parameters used to compute spectrum, optionally returned based on value of `return_config`. """ # Config object stores options in one place and sets sensible defaults for # unspecified options given the data in-hand config = MultiTaperConfig(x.shape[axis], input_complex=np.any(np.iscomplex(x)), time_bandwidth=time_bandwidth, num_tapers=num_tapers, apply_tapers=apply_tapers, freq_resolution=freq_resolution, average=average, fs=fs, window_type=None, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=return_onesided, mode=mode, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, output_axis='time_first') f, t, p = compute_multitaper_stft(x, **config.multitaper_stft_args) if config.average == 'mean': p = np.nanmean(p, axis=0) elif config.average == 'median': p = np.nanmedian(p, axis=0) elif config.average == 'median_bias': bias = signal._spectral_py._median_bias(p.shape[0]) p = np.nanmedian(p, axis=0) / bias else: msg = "'average' value of '{0}' not recognised - please use 'mean' or 'median'" raise ValueError(msg.format(config.average)) if return_config: return f, p, config else: return f, p
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLM Spectrogram Functions @dataclass class GLMSpectrumResult: def __init__(self, f, model, design, data, config=None): self.f = f self.config = config self.model = model = design = data @property def copes(self): return self.model.copes def _is_sklearn_estimator(fit_method): """Check (in the duck sense) if object is a skearn fitter. Parameters ---------- fit_method : obj Initialised sklearn fitter object Returns ------- bool flag indicating whether obj is a likely sklearn fitter """ test1 = hasattr(fit_method, 'fit') and callable(getattr(fit_method, 'fit')) test2 = hasattr(fit_method, 'get_params') and callable(getattr(fit_method, 'get_params')) test3 = hasattr(fit_method, 'set_params') and callable(getattr(fit_method, 'set_params')) return test1 and test2 and test3 def _compute_ols_varcopes(design_matrix, data, contrasts, betas): """Compute variance of cope estimates. Parameters ---------- design_matrix : ndarray Matrix specifying GLM design matrix of shape [num_observations x num_regressors] data : ndarray Matrix of data to be fitted contrasts : ndarray Matrix of contrasts betas : ndarray Array of fitted regression parameters Returns ------- ndarray Standard error of GLM parameter estimates """ # Compute varcopes varcopes = np.zeros((contrasts.shape[0], data.shape[1])) # Compute varcopes residue_forming_matrix = np.linalg.pinv( var_forming_matrix = np.diag(np.linalg.multi_dot([contrasts, residue_forming_matrix, contrasts.T])) resid = data - # This is equivalent to >> np.diag( ) resid_dots = np.einsum('ij,ji->i', resid.T, resid) del resid dof_error = data.shape[0] - np.linalg.matrix_rank(design_matrix) V = resid_dots / dof_error varcopes = var_forming_matrix[:, None] * V[None, :] return varcopes def _process_regressor(Y, config, mode='confound'): """Prepare a vector of data into a STFT regressor. Y is [nregs x nsamples]. Confound is scaled 0->1 and covariate is z-transformed. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray Covariate vector config : obj Initialised object of STFT options mode : {'covariate', 'confound', 'None'} Type of regressor to create (Default value = 'confound') Returns ------- ndarray Processed regressor """ window = None if mode == 'condition' else config.window windowed = apply_sliding_window(Y, config.nperseg, config.nstep, window=window, padded=config.padded) y = np.nansum(windowed, axis=-1) if mode == 'condition': y = y / config.nperseg elif mode == 'covariate': y = stats.zscore(y, axis=-1) elif mode == 'confound': y = y - y.min(axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] y = y / y.max(axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] elif mode is None: pass return y def _process_input_covariate(cov, input_len): """Prepare and check user specified GLM covariates. Parameters ---------- cov :{dict, None, ndarray} Specified covariates. One of a dictionary of vectors, a vector array, a [num_regressors x num_samples] array or None. input_len : int Number of samples in input data Returns ------- dict Set of covariates """ if isinstance(cov, dict): # We have a dictionary - ensure every entry is array_like numeric vector with # expected length for key, var in cov.items(): if len(cov[key]) != input_len: msg = "Regressor '{0}' shape ({1}) not matched to input data length ({2})" raise ValueError(msg.format(key, len(cov[key]), input_len)) ret = cov # pass back out elif cov is None: ret = {} # No regressors defined else: # Check array_like inputs cov = np.array(cov) if np.issubdtype(cov.dtype, np.number) is False: msg = "Regressor inputs must be numeric in type - input has type '{0}'" raise ValueError(msg.format(cov.dtype)) # Add dummy dim if input is vector if cov.ndim == 1: cov = cov[np.newaxis, :] # Check length of regressors are correct if cov.shape[1] != input_len: msg = 'Regressor shape ({0}) not matched to input data length ({1})' raise ValueError(msg.format(cov.shape[1], input_len)) # Give regressor a dummy name ret = {} for ii in range(cov.shape[0]): ret[chr(65 + ii)] = cov[ii, :] return ret def _specify_design(reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_intercept=True): """Create a design matrix. Parameters ---------- reg_ztrans : dict Dictionary of covariate variables reg_unitmax : dict Dictionary of confound variables config : obj User specified STFT options fit_intercept : bool Flag indicating whether to include a constant term (Default value = True) Returns ------- design_matrix : ndarray [num_observations x num_regressors] matrix of regressors contrasts : ndarray [num_regressors x num_regressors] matrix of contrasts (identity) Xlabels : list of str List of regressor names """ X = [] Xlabels = [] if fit_intercept:"Adding constant") X.append(np.ones((config.nwindows,))) Xlabels.append('Constant') # Add reg_categorical for idx, var in enumerate(reg_categorical.keys()):"Adding condition '{0}'".format(var)) X.append(_process_regressor(reg_categorical[var], config, mode='condition')) Xlabels.append(var) # Add reg_ztrans for idx, var in enumerate(reg_ztrans.keys()):"Adding covariate '{0}'".format(var)) X.append(_process_regressor(reg_ztrans[var], config, mode='covariate')) Xlabels.append(var) # Add reg_unitmax for idx, var in enumerate(reg_unitmax.keys()):"Adding confound '{0}'".format(var)) X.append(_process_regressor(reg_ztrans[var], config, mode='confound')) Xlabels.append(var) design_matrix = np.vstack(X).T contrasts = np.eye(design_matrix.shape[1]) return design_matrix, contrasts, Xlabels def _run_prefit_checks(data, design_matrix, contrasts): """Run a few checks to catch likely errors in GLM fit. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Matrix of data to be fitted design_matrix : ndarray Matrix specifying GLM design matrix of shape [num_observations x num_regressors] contrasts : ndarray Matrix of contrasts Returns ------- None """ # Make sure we're set for model fitting assert(data.shape[0] == design_matrix.shape[0]) assert(design_matrix.shape[1] == contrasts.shape[0]) def _glm_fit_simple(pxx, reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_method='pinv', fit_intercept=True, ret_arrays=True): """Fit a GLM using a standard OLS fitting method. Parameters ---------- pxx : ndarray Power spectrum estimate with sliding windows in the first dimension reg_ztrans : dict Dictionary of covariate variables reg_unitmax : dict Dictionary of confound variables config : obj User specified STFT options fit_method : {'pinv', 'lstsq'} Fitting method to use (Default value = 'pinv') fit_intercept : bool Flag indicating whether to fit a constant (Default value = True) Returns ------- copes : ndarray array of fitted parameter estimates varcopes : ndarray array of standard errors of parameter estimates """ # Prepare GLM components design_matrix, contrasts, Xlabels = _specify_design(reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) # Check we're probably good to go _run_prefit_checks(pxx, design_matrix, contrasts) # Compute parameters if fit_method == 'pinv': logging.debug('using np.linalg.pinv') betas = np.linalg.pinv(design_matrix).dot(pxx) elif fit_method == 'lstsq': logging.debug('using np.linalg.lstsq') betas, resids, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(design_matrix, pxx) else: raise ValueError("'fit_method' input {0} not recognised".format(fit_method)) # Compute COPES and VARCOPES copes = varcopes = _compute_ols_varcopes(design_matrix, pxx, contrasts, betas) if ret_arrays: return betas, copes, varcopes else: out = GLMSpectrumResult(config.freqvals, betas, copes, varcopes, config=config, design_matrix=design_matrix) return out def _glm_fit_sklearn_estimator(pxx, reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_method, fit_intercept=True): """Fit a GLM using a sklearn-like estimator object. Parameters ---------- pxx : ndarray Power spectrum estimate with sliding windows in the first dimension reg_ztrans : dict Dictionary of covariate variables reg_unitmax : dict Dictionary of confound variables config : obj User specified STFT options fit_intercept : bool Flag indicating whether to fit a constant (Default value = True) Returns ------- copes : ndarray array of fitted parameter estimates varcopes : ndarray array of standard errors of parameter estimates fitter : obj sklearn fitting object """'Running sklearn GLM fit') # Prepare GLM components design_matrix, contrasts, Xlabels = _specify_design(reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) # Check we're probably good to go _run_prefit_checks(pxx, design_matrix, contrasts) # Compute parameters, pxx) if hasattr(fit_method, 'coef_'): betas = fit_method.coef_.T else: # Sometimes this is stored in a sub model... betas = fit_method.estimator_.coef_.T # Compute COPES and VARCOPES copes = varcopes = _compute_ols_varcopes(design_matrix, pxx, contrasts, betas) return betas, copes, varcopes, (fit_method) def _glm_fit_glmtools(pxx, reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, contrasts=None, fit_intercept=True): """Fit a GLM using the glmtools package. Parameters ---------- pxx : ndarray Power spectrum estimate with sliding windows in the first dimension reg_ztrans : dict Dictionary of covariate variables reg_unitmax : dict Dictionary of confound variables config : obj User specified STFT options fit_intercept : bool Flag indicating whether to fit a constant (Default value = True) Returns ------- copes : ndarray array of fitted parameter estimates varcopes : ndarray array of standard errors of parameter estimates extras : tuple Tuple containing glmtools model, design and data objects """'Running glmtools GLM fit') import glmtools as glm # keep this as a soft dependency # Allocate GLM data object data = # Add windowed reg_unitmax and reg_ztrans - no preproc yet for key, value in reg_categorical.items(): logging.debug('Processing Condition Regressor : {0}'.format(key))[key] = _process_regressor(value, config, mode='condition') for key, value in reg_ztrans.items():[key] = _process_regressor(value, config, mode=None) for key, value in reg_unitmax.items():[key] = _process_regressor(value, config, mode=None) DC = if fit_intercept: logging.debug('Adding Constant Regressor') DC.add_regressor(name='Constant', rtype='Constant') for key in reg_categorical.keys(): logging.debug('Adding Condition : {0}'.format(key)) DC.add_regressor(name=key, rtype='Categorical', datainfo=key, codes=[1]) for key in reg_ztrans.keys(): logging.debug('Adding Covariate : {0}'.format(key)) DC.add_regressor(name=key, rtype='Parametric', datainfo=key, preproc='z') for key in reg_unitmax.keys(): logging.debug('Adding Confound : {0}'.format(key)) DC.add_regressor(name=key, rtype='Parametric', datainfo=key, preproc='unitmax') if contrasts is not None: for con in contrasts: DC.add_contrast(**con) DC.add_simple_contrasts() des = DC.design_from_datainfo( model =, data) return model, des, data
[docs] @set_verbose def glm_periodogram(X, reg_categorical=None, reg_ztrans=None, reg_unitmax=None, contrasts=None, fit_method='pinv', fit_intercept=True, # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc verbose=None): """Compute a Power Spectrum with a General Linear Model. Parameters ---------- X : array_like Time series of measurement values reg_categorical : dict or None Dictionary of covariate time series to be added as binary regessors. (Default value = None) reg_ztrans : dict or None Dictionary of covariate time series to be added as z-standardised regessors. (Default value = None) reg_unitmax : dict or None Dictionary of confound time series to be added as positive-valued unitmax regessors. (Default value = None) contrasts : dict or None Dictionary of contrasts to be computed in the model. (Default value = None, will add a simple contrast for each regressor) fit_method : {'pinv', 'lstsq', 'glmtools', sklearn estimator instance} Specifies how the GLM parameters will be estimated. * `pinv` uses the design matrix psuedo-inverse method * `lstsq` uses np.linalg.lstsq. * `glmtools` uses the OLSModel from the glmtools package. * A parametrised instance of a sklearn estimator is used if specified here. (Default value = 'pinv') fit_intercept : bool Specifies whether a constant valued 'intercept' regressor is included in the model. (Default value = True) %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' %(verbose)s' Returns ------- GLMSpectrumResult : object Object containing the fitted GLM Periodogram """ # Option housekeeping if axis == -1: axis = X.ndim - 1 if X.ndim != 1 and fit_method in ['pinv', 'lstsq']: msg = "Data input should be vector for 'pinv' and 'lstsq' fits - data shape {0} was passed in" logging.error(msg.format(X.shape)) logging.error("Use fit_method='glmtools' for multdimensional data") raise ValueError("Fit methods 'pinv' and 'lstsq' not implemented for multidimensional data") # Set configuration'Setting config options') config = GLMPeriodogramConfig(X.shape[axis], reg_ztrans=reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax=reg_unitmax, fit_method=fit_method, contrasts=contrasts, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, input_complex=np.iscomplexobj(X), fs=fs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, window_type=window_type, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=return_onesided, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, mode=mode, output_axis='time_first') # Transform inputs into predicable, sanity checked dictionaries'Processing Conditions, Covariates and Confounds') reg_categorical = _process_input_covariate(reg_categorical, config.input_len) reg_ztrans = _process_input_covariate(reg_ztrans, config.input_len) reg_unitmax = _process_input_covariate(reg_unitmax, config.input_len) # Compute STFT'Computing sliding window periodogram') f, t, p = compute_stft(X, **config.stft_args) # Compute model - each method MUST assign copes, varcopes and extras model, des, data = _glm_fit_glmtools(p, reg_categorical, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, contrasts=contrasts, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) return GLMSpectrumResult(f, model, des, data, config=config)
@set_verbose def glm_multitaper(X, reg_categorical=None, reg_ztrans=None, reg_unitmax=None, contrasts=None, fit_method='pinv', fit_intercept=True, # Multitaper kwargs num_tapers='auto', freq_resolution=1, time_bandwidth=5, apply_tapers='broadcast', # STFT window args nperseg=None, noverlap=None, window_type='hann', detrend='constant', # FFT core args nfft=None, axis=-1, return_onesided=True, mode='psd', scaling='density', fs=1.0, fmin=None, fmax=None, # misc verbose=None): """Compute a Power Spectrum with a General Linear Model. Parameters ---------- X : array_like Time series of measurement values reg_categorical : dict or None Dictionary of covariate time series to be added as binary regessors. (Default value = None) reg_ztrans : dict or None Dictionary of covariate time series to be added as z-standardised regessors. (Default value = None) reg_unitmax : dict or None Dictionary of confound time series to be added as positive-valued unitmax regessors. (Default value = None) contrasts : dict or None Dictionary of contrasts to be computed in the model. (Default value = None, will add a simple contrast for each regressor) fit_method : {'pinv', 'lstsq', 'glmtools', sklearn estimator instance} Specifies how the GLM parameters will be estimated. * `pinv` uses the design matrix psuedo-inverse method * `lstsq` uses np.linalg.lstsq. * `glmtools` uses the OLSModel from the glmtools package. * A parametrised instance of a sklearn estimator is used if specified here. (Default value = 'pinv') fit_intercept : bool Specifies whether a constant valued 'intercept' regressor is included in the model. (Default value = True) %(multitaper_core)s' %(stft_window_user)s' %(fft_user)s' %(verbose)s' Returns ------- freqs : ndarray Array of sample frequencies. t : ndarray Array of times corresponding to each data segment result : ndarray Array of output data, contents dependent on *mode* kwarg. """ if axis == -1: axis = X.ndim - 1 if X.ndim != 1 and fit_method in ['pinv', 'lstsq']: msg = "Data input should be vector for 'pinv' and 'lstsq' fits - data shape {0} was passed in" if axis == -1: axis = X.ndim - 1 if X.ndim != 1 and fit_method in ['pinv', 'lstsq']: msg = "Data input should be vector for 'pinv' and 'lstsq' fits - data shape {0} was passed in" logging.error(msg.format(X.shape)) logging.error("Use fit_method='glmtools' for multdimensional data") raise ValueError("Fit methods 'pinv' and 'lstsq' not implemented for multidimensional data") # Set configuration'Setting config options') config = MultiTaperConfig(X.shape[axis], input_complex=np.any(np.iscomplex(X)), time_bandwidth=time_bandwidth, num_tapers=num_tapers, apply_tapers=apply_tapers, freq_resolution=freq_resolution, average=None, fs=fs, window_type=None, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=return_onesided, mode=mode, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, output_axis='auto')'Processing Covariates and Confounds') reg_categorical = _process_input_covariate(reg_categorical, config.input_len) reg_ztrans = _process_input_covariate(reg_ztrans, config.input_len) reg_unitmax = _process_input_covariate(reg_unitmax, config.input_len) # Compute STMT'Computing sliding window multitaper') f, t, p = compute_multitaper_stft(X, **config.multitaper_stft_args) # Compute model - each method MUST assign copes, varcopes and extras if fit_method in ['pinv', 'lstsq']:'Running numpy GLM fit') copes, varcopes = _glm_fit_simple(p, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_method=fit_method, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) extras = None elif fit_method == 'glmtools':'Running glmtools GLM fit') copes, varcopes, extras = _glm_fit_glmtools(p, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) elif _is_sklearn_estimator(fit_method):'Running sklearn GLM fit with {0}'.format(_glm_fit_sklearn_estimator)) copes, varcopes, extras = _glm_fit_sklearn_estimator(p, reg_ztrans, reg_unitmax, config, fit_method=fit_method, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) else: raise ValueError('fit_method not recognised') return f, copes, varcopes, extras