Source code for sails.plotting


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import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colorbar as cb
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import Grid
from matplotlib import patches

__all__ = []

[docs] def root_plot(rts, ax=None, figargs=dict(), plotargs=dict()): """Plot a set of roots (complex numbers). Parameters ---------- rts : ndarray_like Roots to plot ax : matplotlib axes handle Optional Axes on which to place plot. (Default value = None) figargs : dict extra arguments to pass to plt.figure (Default value = dict()) plotargs : dict extra arguments to pass to plt.plot (Default value = dict()) Returns ------- Axes Axes object on which plot was drawn """ if 'figsize' not in figargs: figargs['figsize'] = (6, 6) if ax is None: plt.figure(*figargs) ax = plt.subplot(111) # Unit Circle y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 128)) x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 128)) ax.plot(x, y, 'k') # Inner circles ax.plot(.75*x, .75*y, 'k--', linewidth=.2) ax.plot(.5*x, .5*y, 'k--', linewidth=.2) ax.plot(.25*x, .25*y, 'k--', linewidth=.2) ax.grid(True) # Arrow annotation ax.plot(1.15*x[8:25], 1.15*y[8:25], 'k') ax.arrow(1.15*x[23], 1.15*y[23], x[24]-x[23], y[24]-y[23], head_width=.05, color='k') # Add poles ax.plot(rts.real, rts.imag, 'k+', **plotargs) # Labels ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2) ax.set_xlim(-1.2, 1.2) ax.set_xlabel('Real') ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary') ax.annotate('Frequency', xy=(.56, 1.02)) ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax
__all__.append('root_plot') def plot_diagonal(freq_vect, metric, F=None, title=None, ax=None): """Plot the diagonal spectra from a connectivity array. This is generally used to summarised the within-channel spectra within a network. Parameters ---------- freq_vect : ndarray Vector of frequency values indexing the x-axis metric : ndarray Matrix of connectivity values of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies] F : matplotlib figure handle Handle for matplotlib figure to plot in (Default value = None) title : str String to use as figure title(Default value = None) ax : matplotlib axes handle Handle for matplotlib axes to plot in (Default value = None) """ if F is None: F = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) if ax is None: ax = F.subplots(1) for ii in range(metric.shape[0]): ax.plot(freq_vect, metric[ii, ii, :, 0]) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.grid(True) def plot_metric_summary(freq_vect, metric, ind=0, F=None, title=None): """Plot the within-channel spectra and connectivity matrix for a given connectivity metric. Parameters ---------- freq_vect : ndarray Vector of frequency values indexing the x-axis metric : ndarray Matrix of connectivity values of size [nchannels x nchannels x nfrequencies] ind : int Index into frequency dimension to plot connectivity matrix (Default value = 0) F : matplotlib figure handle Handle for matplotlib figure to plot in (Default value = None) title : str String to use as figure title(Default value = None) """ F = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = F.subplots(1, 2) plot_diagonal(freq_vect, metric, F=F, ax=ax[0]) ylimits = ax[0].get_ylim() ax[0].vlines(freq_vect[ind], ylimits[0], ylimits[1]) s = metric[:, :, ind, 0] - np.diag(np.diag(metric[:, :, ind, 0])) im = ax[1].imshow(np.abs(s)) F.colorbar(im)
[docs] def plot_vector(metric, x_vect, y_vect=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, title=None, labels=None, line_labels=None, F=None,, triangle=None, diag=False, thresh=None, two_tail_thresh=False, font_size=10, use_latex=False): """Function for plotting frequency domain connectivity at a single time-point. Parameters ---------- metric : ndarray matrix containing connectivity values [nsignals x signals x frequencies x participants] in which the first dimension refers to source nodes and the second dimension refers to target nodes x_vect : ndarray vector of frequencies to label the x axis y_vect : ndarrat vector containing the values for the y-axis x_label : string [optional] label for the x axis (Default value = None) y_label : string [optional] label for the y axis (Default value = None) title : string [optional] title for the figure (Default value = None) labels : list list of node labels for columns and vectors (Default value = None) line_labels : list list of labels for each separate line (participant dimension in metric) (Default value = None) F : figurehandle [optional] handle of existing figure to plot within (Default value = None) triangle : string [optional] string to indicate whether only the 'upper' or 'lower' triangle of the matrix should be plotted (Default value = None) diag : bool [optional] flag to indicate whether the diagonal elements should be plotted (Default value = False) thresh : ndarray [optional] matrix containing thresholds to be plotted alongside connectivity values [nsignals x nsignals x frequencies] (Default value = None) two_tailed_thresh : bool [optional] flag to indicate whether both signs (+/-) of the threshold should be plotted font_size : int [optional] override the default font size use_latex : bool Flag to indicate whether to render text in latex (Default value = False) Returns ------- matplotlib figure handle Figure handle containing the plot """ # Set up plotting parameters matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': font_size}) if use_latex: matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'].append(r'\usepackage{amsmath}') plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']}) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') if metric.ndim > 3 and metric.shape[3] > 1: # We want to plot each line separately ppt = metric.shape[3] elif metric.ndim > 3 and metric.shape[3] == 1: ppt = 1 elif metric.ndim == 3: ppt = 1 metric = metric[..., None] # Sanity check axis labels x_vect = x_vect.squeeze() if y_vect is not None: y_vect = y_vect.squeeze() nbSignals = metric.shape[0] # If we don't have any labels, make some up if labels is None: labels = [chr(65 + (x % 26)) for x in range(nbSignals)] if line_labels is None: line_labels = [chr(97 + (x % 26)) for x in range(ppt)] # Make figure if we don't have one if F is None: F = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3, 5.8)) plt.axis('off') # Get label indices x_label_idx = [] y_label_idx = [] for g in range(nbSignals * nbSignals): i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) if triangle == 'upper': if i == 0: x_label_idx.append(g) if i == j-1: y_label_idx.append(g) elif triangle == 'lower': if j == 0: x_label_idx.append(g) if i == j+1: y_label_idx.append(g) else: if i == 0: x_label_idx.append(g) if j == 0: y_label_idx.append(g) # Write labels to plot ax_pad = 0.25 # Make grid with appropriate amount of subplots grid = Grid(F, 111, nrows_ncols=(nbSignals, nbSignals), axes_pad=ax_pad, share_all=True) # Plot up the matrix for g in range(nbSignals*nbSignals): i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) if triangle == 'lower' and i < j: grid[g].set_visible(False) continue elif triangle == 'upper' and i > j: grid[g].set_visible(False) continue if diag is False and i == j: grid[g].set_visible(False) [grid[g].axis[k].set_visible(False) for k in grid[g].axis.keys()] if thresh is not None: grid[g].plot(x_vect, thresh[i, j, :], 'k--') if two_tail_thresh: grid[g].plot(x_vect, -thresh[i, j, :], 'k--') if ppt > 1 or thresh is not None: for p in range(ppt): grid[g].plot(x_vect, metric[i, j, :, p], label=line_labels[p]) grid[g].set_xlim(x_vect[0], x_vect[-1]) else: grid[g].fill_between(x_vect, metric[i, j, :, 0], 0, facecolor='black', alpha=.9) if y_vect is not None: grid[g].set_ylim(y_vect[0], y_vect[-1]) grid[g].grid() if line_labels is not None and ppt > 1: grid[nbSignals-1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2) ymin, ymax = grid[g].get_ylim() grid.axes_llc.set_xlim(x_vect[0], x_vect[-1]) if triangle == 'lower': x_x_pos = x_vect[2] x_y_pos = ymax*1.2 y_x_pos = -x_vect[-2] y_y_pos = 1.2 # Plot the labels for g in x_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(y_x_pos, y_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s}$' % (labels[i])) for g in y_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(x_x_pos, x_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s \rightarrow}$' % (labels[i-1])) elif triangle == 'upper': x_x_pos = x_vect[:-2].mean() x_y_pos = ymax*1.2 y_x_pos = -x_vect[-2] y_y_pos = .5 # Plot the labels for g in x_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(x_x_pos, x_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s \rightarrow}$' % (labels[j])) for g in y_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(y_x_pos, y_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s}$' % (labels[i])) else: x_x_pos = x_vect[2] x_y_pos = ymax*1.2 y_x_pos = -x_vect[:-2].mean() * 1.7 y_y_pos = ymax * .5 # Plot the labels for g in x_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(x_x_pos, x_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s \rightarrow}$' % (labels[j])) for g in y_label_idx: i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) grid[g].text(y_x_pos, y_y_pos, r'$\mathbf{%s}$' % (labels[i])) for g in range(nbSignals * nbSignals): [k.set_visible(True) for k in grid[g].texts] if x_label is not None: grid[nbSignals*(nbSignals-1)].set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: grid[nbSignals*(nbSignals-1)].set_ylabel(y_label) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) return F
[docs] def plot_matrix(metric, x_vect, y_vect, x_label=None, y_label=None, z_vect=None, title=None, labels=None, F=None, vlines=None,, font_size=8, use_latex=False, diag=True): """Function for plotting frequency domain connectivity over many time points Parameters ---------- metric : ndarray matrix containing connectivity values [nsignals x signals x frequencies x participants] in which the first dimension refers to source nodes and the second dimension refers to target nodes x_vect : 1d array vector of frequencies to label the x axis y_vect : 1d array [optional] vector containing the values for the y-axis z_vect : 1d array [optional] vector containing values for the colour scale (Default value = None) x_label : string [optional] label for the x axis (Default value = None) y_label : string [optional] label for the y axis (Default value = None) title : string [optional] title for the figure (Default value = None) labels : list list of node labels for columns and vectors (Default value = None) F : figurehandle [optional] handle of existing figure to plot within (Default value = None) vlines : list List of x-axis values to plot a dashed vertical line (Default value = None) cmap : matplotlib colormap [optional]<colormapname> to use for colourscale (redundant for plot vector??) (Default value = font_size : int [optional] override the default font size use_latex : bool Flag indicating whether to render text in latex (Default value = False) diag : bool Flag indicating whether to plot the diagonal subplots (Default value = True) Returns ------- matplotlib figure handle Figure handle containing the plot """ # Set up plotting parameters matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': font_size}) if use_latex: matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'].append(r'\usepackage{amsmath}') plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']}) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') # Sanity check axis labels x_vect = x_vect.squeeze() y_vect = y_vect.squeeze() nbSignals = metric.shape[0] # Set up colour scale if z_vect is None: if diag is True: mx = np.abs(metric).max() else: upper_tri = np.tril(np.abs(metric).max(axis=(2, 3)), k=-1).max() lower_tri = np.triu(np.abs(metric).max(axis=(2, 3)), k=1).max() mx = np.max([upper_tri, lower_tri]) if metric.min() < 0: cbounds = np.linspace(-mx, mx) else: cbounds = np.linspace(0, mx) else: cbounds = z_vect # Make figure if we don't have one if F is None: F = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3, 5.8)) plt.axis('off') # Write labels to plot step = 1. / nbSignals # Horizontal for i in range(len(labels)): plt.text((step*i)+.05, 1.01, r'$\mathbf{%s \rightarrow}$' % (labels[i]), fontsize=font_size, rotation='horizontal') # Vertical for i in range(len(labels), 0, -1): plt.text(-.08, (step*i)-step/10 - .06, r'$\mathbf{%s}$' % (labels[-i]), fontsize=font_size, verticalalignment='center', rotation='vertical') # Make grid with appropriate amount of subplots grid = Grid(F, 111, nrows_ncols=(nbSignals, nbSignals), axes_pad=0.1, share_all=True) # Plot up the matrix for g in range(nbSignals*nbSignals): i = int(g / nbSignals) j = int(g % nbSignals) if i != j or diag is True: grid[g].contourf(x_vect, y_vect, metric[i, j, :, :], np.linspace(cbounds[0], cbounds[-1], 10), cmap=cmap) if vlines is not None: grid[g].vlines(vlines, y_vect[0], y_vect[-1], linestyles='dashed') else: grid[g].set_visible(False) if j == 0: grid[g].set_ylabel(y_label) if i == nbSignals-1: grid[g].set_xlabel(x_label) # Set labels grid.axes_llc.set_ylim(y_vect[0], y_vect[-1]) # Set colourbar ax = F.add_axes([.92, .12, .02, .7], visible=True) cb.ColorbarBase(ax, boundaries=cbounds, cmap=cmap) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) return F
def plot_netmat(data, colors=None, cnames=None, xtick_pos=None, ytick_pos=None, labels=None, ax=None, hregions='top', vregions='right', showgrid=True, **kwargs): """Function for plotting connectivity matrices Any additional keyword arguments will be passed into pcolormesh Parameters ---------- data : ndarray 2D numpy array of netmat data to plot of size [nrois x nrois] colors : dict dictionary mapping colour names to matplotlib-usable colours. If not provided, name from cnames will be used. (Default value = None) cnames : list list of len(nrois). List of colour names for each region (Default value = None) labels : list List of region labels for the X and Y axes (Default value = None) ax : matplotlib axis handle Matplotlib axes to plot in (Default value = None) Additional Parameters --------------------- xtick_pos : ndarray Positions of X ROI division lines in netmat (Default value = None) ytick_pos : ndarray Positions of Y ROI division lines in netmat (Default value = None) hbar_offset : int Offset of ROI bar in Y co-ordinates (default: 2) vbar_offset : int Offset of ROI bar in X co-ordinates (default: 2) bar_gap : float Gap to put between ROI bars (default: 0.1) bar_thickness : float Thickness of the ROI bar (default: 2.5) label_fontsize : float Font size to use for region labels (default: 5) hregions : {'top','bottom','off'} Location to place horizontal coloured bars indicating regions of ROIs. (Default value = 'top') vregions : {'left','right','off'} Location to place vertical coloured bars indicating regions of ROIs. (Default value = 'right') showgrid : bool Flag to indicate whether to show grid-lines (Default value = True) **kwargs : Additional arguments are passed to pcolormesh Returns ------- matplotlib axes handle axes handle containing the plot """ num_rois = data.shape[0] hbar_offset = kwargs.pop('hbar_offset', 2) vbar_offset = kwargs.pop('vbar_offset', 2) bar_gap = kwargs.pop('bar_gap', 0.1) bar_thickness = kwargs.pop('bar_thickness', 2.5) label_fontsize = kwargs.pop('label_fontsize', 5) # Parse the h and vregions parameters if hregions not in ['top', 'bottom', 'off', True, False]: raise Exception("hregions must be one of top, bottom, off") if hregions is True: hregions = 'top' if hregions is False: hregions = 'off' if vregions not in ['left', 'right', 'off', True, False]: raise Exception("vregions must be one of left, right, off") if vregions is True: vregions = 'top' if vregions is False: vregions = 'off' # Ensure that we have a set of axes if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # See comment below regarding pcolormesh vs imshow ax.pcolormesh(data, **kwargs) plt.axis('scaled') if cnames is not None: start = None for k in range(num_rois): thiscname = cnames[k] if start is None: start = k curcname = thiscname if k != (num_rois - 1): nextcname = cnames[k+1] if (k == (num_rois - 1)) or (nextcname != curcname): # Need to draw and reset start point if colors is not None: color = colors[curcname] else: color = curcname width = bar_thickness if vregions == 'right': ll_x = num_rois + vbar_offset else: ll_x = -vbar_offset if start == 0: ll_y = start height = k - start + 1 - bar_gap elif k == (num_rois - 1): ll_y = start + bar_gap height = k - start + 1 else: ll_y = start + bar_gap height = k - start + 1 - bar_gap - bar_gap if vregions != 'off': rect = patches.Rectangle((ll_x, ll_y), width, height, linewidth=0, facecolor=color, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(rect) height = bar_thickness if hregions == 'top': ll_y = num_rois + hbar_offset else: ll_y = -hbar_offset if start == 0: ll_x = start width = k - start + 1 - bar_gap elif k == (num_rois - 1): ll_x = start + bar_gap width = k - start + 1 else: ll_x = start + bar_gap width = k - start + 1 - bar_gap - bar_gap if hregions != 'off': rect = patches.Rectangle((ll_x, ll_y), width, height, linewidth=0, facecolor=color, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(rect) start = None if xtick_pos is None: ax.set_xticks([]) else: ax.set_xticks(xtick_pos) if ytick_pos is None: ax.set_yticks([]) else: ax.set_yticks(ytick_pos) # Remove the major labels either way ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) if labels is not None: ax.set_xticks([x + 0.5 for x in range(num_rois)], minor=True) ax.set_yticks([x + 0.5 for x in range(num_rois)], minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, minor=True, fontsize=label_fontsize, rotation=-90) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, minor=True, fontsize=label_fontsize) plt.xlim(0, num_rois) plt.ylim(0, num_rois) if showgrid: plt.grid(True, color='w', lw=1) return ax __all__.append('plot_netmat')