Source code for sails.modelvalidation


# vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4:

import numpy as np

from .stats import find_cov_multitrial

__all__ = []

[docs] def approx_model_selection_criteria(A, EF, method='ss'): """Estimate Akaike's Information Criterion and Bayes Information Criterion from a model fit using an approximation of the loglikelihood. Two approximations are available: 'ss': The sum square of the residuals. This approximation is outlined in [Burnham2002]_ and [Chatfield2003]_. 'det': The determinant of the residual covariance matrix. The sum squares method is used as default. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Array containing the parameters of a fitted model, of shape [channels x channels x maxorder] EF : ndarray Array containing the residuals of the fitted model, of shape [channels x samples x trials] method : {'ss','det'} string indicating which method should be used to approximate the loglikelihood ('ss' or 'det') (Default value = 'ss') Returns ------- tuple tuple of (aLL, AIC, BIC) aLL: Approximation of the loglikelihood (determined by the method defined above) AIC: Estimate of Akaike's Information Criterion BIC: Estimate of the Bayesian Information Criterion """ k = A.reshape(-1).shape[0] # number of parameters N = EF.reshape(-1).shape[0] # number of observations if method == 'ss': # Chatfield 2004 - The analysis of time series p 256. # Burnham and Anderson 2004 - multimodel inference, understanding AIC # and BIC in model selection SS = np.power(EF, 2).sum() # sum of squares aLL = N*np.log(SS/N) elif method == 'det': # Method used in the GCCA toolbox # TODO: make this work # NOT CURRENTLY WORKING!!!!! raise Exception("method == 'det' is not currently working") cov = find_cov_multitrial(EF, EF) aLL = np.log(np.linalg.det(cov)) else: raise Exception("Unknown method") aLL = np.float64(aLL.real) # Compute AIC and BIC aic = np.float64(aLL + 2*k) # No-one else seems to approximate the BIC using the methods above, though # we are following the same logic as for the AIC so it's probably fine. bic = np.float64(aLL + k*np.log(N)) return aLL, aic, bic