Source code for sails.tutorial_utils


# vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4:

import os
from os.path import abspath, expanduser, isdir, isfile, join, split

import numpy as np

__all__ = []

[docs]def generate_pink_roots(power, order=24): """Generates the poles of a system with a pink spectrum according to eqn 116 in [Kasdin1995]_ Parameters ---------- power : float Power of pole must be between -2 and 2. order : Order of system to generate (Default value = 24) Returns ------- ndarray Roots of the system (length of order) """ a = np.zeros((order,)) a[0] = 1 for k in range(1, order): a[k] = (k - 1 - (power/2.)) * (a[k-1] / k) return np.roots(a)
[docs]def model_from_roots(roots): """Sets up a univariate model based on the roots of a polynomial Parameters ---------- roots : ndarray Vector of polynomial roots. Returns ------- AbstractLinearModel Model fit class containing the parameters defined by the input roots """ # We can use the AbstractLinearModel for this as we # don't need the fit_model routine from sails import AbstractLinearModel ret = AbstractLinearModel() ret.parameters = -np.poly(roots)[None, None, :] ret.resid_cov = np.ones((1, 1, 1)) ret.delay_vect = np.arange(ret.order + 1) return ret
[docs]def find_support_path(): """Returns the path to the support files directory""" d, f = split(__file__) return join(abspath(d), 'support')
[docs]def find_example_path(): """Returns the path to the tutorial example data directory (if available)""" example_path = os.getenv('SAILS_EXAMPLE_DATA', None) if example_path is None: # Try the user's home directory example_path = join(expanduser("~"), "sails-example-data") # A sentinel file which we ensure is in the git repo for the example data sentinel = join(example_path, 'SAILS_EXAMPLE_DATA') # Check for directory and sentinel file if not isdir(example_path) or not isfile(sentinel): error = """ Error: Could not find the sails example data (looked in {}) If you wish to use the example data, download it from git using: git clone If the git repository is in your home directory, this function will then find the path. If you wish to store the data in another location, set the SAILS_EXAMPLE_DATA environment variable to the location of the git checkout """.format(example_path) raise Exception(error) return example_path
[docs]def set_sail(): """ """ import os import time rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() cols = int(columns) ship = [' __|__ __|__ ', ' ) )) )\\', ' ) )) )\\\\', ' )____))____) \\\\', '\\---__|______|____\\\\----', '~~;\\_____________/'] air = '' air = [air + ' '*cols for ii in range(6)] air = '\n'.join(air) + '\n' sea = '' sea = [sea + '~'*cols for ii in range(3)] sea = '\n'.join(sea) msg = list(air+sea) for step in range(5, cols-25): msg = list(air+sea) for ii in range(len(ship)): start = step + (cols+1)*(ii+1) stop = start + len(ship[ii]) msg[start:stop] = ship[ii] print('\033[2J\033[<3>A') print(''.join(msg)) time.sleep(1.0/15) start = cols//2 + cols*(2) - 2 stop = start+5 msg[start:stop] = 'SAILS' print('\033[2J\033[<3>A') print(''.join(msg)) time.sleep(2)